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June 2023

East Frisia, Groningen's good neighbour: its language, religion & shared histories


Gijs Altena, PhD candidate at the University of Groningen takes us on a trip beyond the borders of Groningen. Gijs shares his insights on the relationship between the languages and religions of Groningen and East Frisia. What is their common past? How have they grown closer and more distant over the years? What can we learn from a historical study of these topics for today's society?

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July 2023

Can biomarkers predict inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)?


Earlier this year, Arno Bourgonje graduated cum laude on his doctoral thesis on biomarkers for the chronic intestinal disease IBD. Biomarkers are biological substances that can reflect a certain medical state or condition in the body. Biomarkers can help, for example, in early detection of disease or in predicting the effectiveness of treatment. 


Arno found an important new biomarker that shows the severity of intestinal inflammation in IBD patients. Thanks to a brand new technique, he was able to distinguish in a very accurate way patients with IBD from those without IBD.


Who is Arno Bourgonje and what drives him as a researcher? What are the next steps in his research on IBD? He talks about it in this episode of UMCG Research Talk.

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April 2023

Marlene Bakker: singing in Gronings dialect


Marlene Bakker, singer songwriter from Groningen, comes on the show to tell us about her career singing in Gronings, the local dialect. She lived in the south of the country for years and decided to come back to Groningen, to begin singing in dialect and reinvent her career. Why did she decide to come back? How is it to sing in Gronings? And what's the latest on new music and releases from Marlene?

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July 2023

The importance of (FAIR) data management in research


In this podcast we speak with Efi Gkoumassi, head of the Digital Compentence Center and Karina Sulim, data manager and data steward at the UMCG.  The digitization of research data is paving the way for faster and newer forms of data use, reuse, and sharing. In this new landscape, the responsible handling of data through data management is more important than ever.   

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June 2023

Bringing your research from bench to bedside


Molecular biologist Ody Sibon has been studying a rare disease called Pantothenate-Kinase-Associated-Neurodegeneration (PKAN) for years. By coincidence she discovers a vitamin derivative in a fruitfly model that might also help PKAN patients. To bring her research all the way to the patient she asked help of business developer Hans Hektor from the Innovation Center of the UMCG.  Together they succeeded in developing this medical food supplement for a clinical trial in patients. But, how? Where did they start? What challenges did they encounter? What did they learn? 

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March 2023

Social mobilization against fossil fuels
From theory to the streets


Carolina Valladares, PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam, swings by to tell us about her research and the theory and practice of social mobilisation. There are several ways to mobilise successfully and they largely depend on the cultural politics of each place and case. What drives people to mobilise? What strategies can one employ? And what are the similarities and differences between mobilisation against fossil fuel extraction in Groningen and the Ecuadorian Amazon?

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December 2021

Health at the RUG


In this episode, we have a conversation with Ton Modderman (occupational and organizational expert) and Karen Huizing (psychologist for PhD students) about the mental and physical health at the university and about the people who keep them in check. We discuss the several ways the health workers at the university motivate students and staff to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and important aspects of a healthy work environment. We also get to know how the work life of these important employees look like.

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February 2023

The Netherlands Neurogenomics Database Project


In this episode we speak with computational researcher and Rosalin Franklin Fellow Inge Holtman. She initiated the Netherlands Neurogenomics Database in collaboration with Inge Huitinga from the Netherlands Brain Bank. In this cohort brain tissues from all over the Netherlands are collected, together with a lot of clinical data from the donors. To get an better understanding of how different neurological diseases develop, Inge wants to find out which cells and molecules are affected by those diseases and relate that back to the symptoms.

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July 2023

Discussing the right to protest in the Netherlands


On this week's podcast, we will discuss the right to protest and interview activists from multiple student organisations. In the first part of this episode, Eva and Georgia will talk about the European and Dutch laws that protect the right to protest. 

In the second part of the episode we will hear from Alissa, one of the  Dura Lex Sed Lex founders. She sat down with activists from the Amsterdam Autonomous Coalition (AAC) and Activisten Partij/Activist Party who are operating at the UvA in Amsterdam and were involved in the recent protests of January 13th and May 13th. They talk about their organisations, their goals and motivations, and discuss in detail what was going on at the protests

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

July 2023

How environments shape our decisions


How free are we actually to make our own choices?

Environment has a massive impact on our believes and behaviours and therefore our health. Values shape our identity but are not always the best for our health. So what could and should be done to give everyone equal opportunities to make their own choices?

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

June 2023

PhD Student Well-being


Join us as we venture into an often overlooked aspect of academia: the well-being of PhD students. Undertaking and completing a PhD is a daunting challenge, making it essential to prioritize well-being throughout the process. Malcolm draws from his experience writing a report on PhD well-being, while Tassos takes a trip down memory lane to his own PhD journey. We are delighted to welcome Marie Stadel and Nina Schwarzbach, two PhD students who co-create a blog that delves into various aspects of the PhD process and reflects on academia as a whole.


In this episode, our team and guests engage in an enlightening and wide-ranging discussion. They explore the definition of well-being, highlight the resources available to support PhD students, and emphasize the significance of fostering a robust supervisor-student relationship.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

June 2023

Lithium: Fuel of the future?


At the brink of a new era, the EU Green Deal is one of the frontier projects of the European Commission. The main objective is to become climate neutral by 2050. To achieve it, the Commission wants to remove combustion engines by 2035 and replace them with electric vehicles. Lithium is a key ingredient in batteries to power electric vehicles and other green technologies. A group of three experts joins us on the podcast to discuss the debate around lithium, with a specific focus on lithium mining in Portugal. Margarida Santos, a Portuguese environmentalist will discuss the impact of lithium extraction in Portugal. Dominique Silva, an advisor to the Minister of Environment and Climate Action in Portugal, will give his take on the impact and contribution of lithium extraction. Finally, José Lopes, a representative from the EU, and Junior Advisor to Franz Timmermans shares details on the aims and purpose of the Green Deal and how the Union wants to achieve a just transition.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

May 2023

Meditation and Mindfullness


]In this episode, Aaron talks with Chris May (Ph.D.). about meditation, his research, and various perspectives that help us understand an interdisciplinary picture of Meditation. They share and discuss their experience with meditation and mindfulness.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

April 2023

Arts in Healthcare


In this episode Tilman and Sybe talk with Ferdinand Lewis, a teacher at UCG who has an interdisciplinary doctorate in Policy, Planning & Development from the University of Southern California. Ferdinand talks with us about his interest and his vision in Arts in health care!

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

November 2022

Legal implications of self-driving cars


In this episode, we dive into the interesting world of self-driving vehicles, which is a very current and interesting topic.  We were able to get a hold of Bashar Fteiha who is a Ph.D. researcher at the University of Groningen. He, as our guest speaker, was there to help us understand this legally complex topic by providing his expert opinion on different aspects. In the episode we discussed general definitions and functions of autonomous cars, current legal questions and solutions to their infiltration into daily use, and even possible cyber-effects and risks both in law and in fact.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

February 2023

Is ChatGPT going to change education?


Chat GPT has exploded onto the scene, accumulating a userbase of over 100 million within the two months since its release at the end of November 2022. Due to its multifaceted nature, its services have been used to quickly generate any and everything from good-quality cover letters to thorough pieces of relationship advice. For all the excitement this technological tool has stirred, it has also become the source of much unrest. And certainly in some academic circles.
But what is Chat GPT exactly? Is it new technology? And are fears about it rendering the need for human creativity unnecessary well-founded? Joining us this episode to break down this interesting development in the world of academia and beyond are Malvina Nissim and Patrick Darwinkel.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

January 2023

Reflection as a tool for academic success


In this episode we talk all about self-reflection. It can be difficult to reflect as it can sometimes make us feel uncomfortable, but it may be quite a powerful tool to help us grow in many aspects of our lives. To help us in this discussion we welcome Jasper Vogel and Bart Krannenborg to the podcast. Jasper coordinates and has taught courses in the programme of psychology that emphasise the importance of self-reflection. Bart is now a PhD student who initially completed his Bachelors in Psychology, therefore participating in these courses. Together, we gain some insight on self-reflection to see what it means to everyone, while investigating how we all engage in it individually.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

December 2022

Influence of streaming platforms on musicians, the industry, and culture


Our guest this episode is dr. Robert Prey, Assistant Professor of Media Studies. Last month, he was awarded an ERC Starting Grant. Wim and Tina interview him on what the ERC grant means for him and the research it will allow him to conduct on the influence of streaming and social media platforms on musicians, the music industry specifically and our culture in general.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

November 2022

Role of knowledge in our society


Our guest this episode is Professor of Political Philosophy Lisa Herzog. Wim and Tina interview her on the role of knowledge in society. They discuss how markets, expert communities and democratic processes influence knowledge in our complex societies. We also discuss the work she does for the Young Academy Groningen, Global Young Academy and De Jonge Akademie, including the new Language Buddies project.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

November 2022

How hidden values and desires influence our health


How does marketing influence our life, choices we make and ultimately our health? Can marketing make us do things we don't want? And in what way could marketing actually contribute to our well-being?

Leoni von Ristok talks with Koert van Ittersum, professor of marketing and consumer well-being from the University of Groningen to explore these and more questions.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

October 2022

The neglected knowledge of nutrition in medical treatments


Why do physicians still prescribe mainly drugs, even when treating chronic diseases? How detrimental are the effects of stigma and prejudice and the double burden of malnutrition? And what should health care professionals and the government do to actually support those who need it.

Leoni von Ristok talks with nephrologist Gerjan Navis who treats kidney patients at the University Medical Center Groningen to explore these questions.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

September 2022

How human rights violations impact the obesity pandemic


What does obesity have to do with human rights? Is it sometimes justified to restrict one human right to ensure another? What is the role of the food industry in all of this? Leoni von Ristok talks with prof. Brigit Toebes, health law expert and the new scientific director of the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health, to explore these questions.

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Galaxy formation


Our guests today are Sophie van Mierlo and Emma Dodd. They are both doing their PhD’s at the Kapteyn Institute in Groningen. Sophie's research focuses on galaxy growth in the early Universe and Emma focuses in her research on the formation of the Milky Way. The Institute is named after J.C. Kapteyn, the first professor of Astronomy and Theoretical Mechanics at the University of Groningen. June 18th 2022 marked the 100th anniversary of his death. 

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

June 2022

June 2022

Next-generation batteries


Our guest today is Moniek Tromp. She’s a Professor of Materials Chemistry at the Faculty of Science and Engineering and part of the BatteryNL consortium, which received a large NWA grant earlier this year. Wim, Tina and Arjen interview her about her research on catalysis and improving batteries & fuel cells. Batteries will play a vital role in storing renewable energy and creating a more sustainable society.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

May 2022

Introduction to international relations


We present to you an introduction to international relations with Prof. Dr. Jaap de Wilde, a professor of International Relations and Security Studies here at the University of Groningen. We will discuss the basic theories of international relations of realism, liberalism and more! We go deep into the current matters of the world and how IR applies to them. 

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

May 2022

An insight into environmental law


This weeks episode revolves around… you guessed it - Environmental law. Alissa and Anna sit down with Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Squintani, a professor of Energy Law at the University of Groningen to discuss his views on European Environmental Law. What is the European Green Deal? And does it really work? This is one of the areas the three are going to be diving into. Besides this, they dive into the world of International Environmental Law, exploring the COP26 and other interesting & hot topics. 

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

March 2022

Law within a digital society


In the second episode of this week the duo is back together and interview renown professor Dr. Mando Rachovitsa and explore the realm of digital law with her. Among other topics the three discuss Digital Law within Society, Digital Human Rights v ‘Natural’ Human Rights, social media as propaganda and safeguarding privacy online. Moreover, it will be discussed how YOU can personally keep yourself safe online and what precautions you could take.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

February 2022

Data and Society


Our guest today is Professor Anne Beaulieu. She holds the Aletta Jacobs Chair in Knowledge Infrastructures at the Faculty Campus Fryslan and is co-author of "Data and Society - a critical introduction". Arjen, Tina and Wim interview her about the important role data plays in our society and how a better understanding of knowledge infrastructures can contribute to a more sustainable future.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

March 2021

Why climate adaptation will be key to our survival


Are you more than aware of your behavior and impact on the Climate as a World Citizen? Or is it just something you heard about? Do we need to adapt individually or do we need to adapt more as a community, together? How can we adapt? And why is it called : The Key to Our Survival?As always at GlobalCast we dive in a bit deeper with the help of some experts.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify!

November 2021

Success and failures in academia


In this episode, we discuss the definition of success and failures in academia and academic life. Our guests are Prof. Amina Helmi from astronomy and Prof. Lodi Nauta from philosophy. Both received the most prestigious prize for scientific research in the Netherlands: the Spinoza Prize. We talk about how these highly regarded professors define their “successes” and “failures”, giving an in-depth view of life in academia.

Click below to find the full episode on Spotify! 

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